Here you'll find higher education commentary and analysis from the team behind FindAMasters and FindAPhD: covering marketing and recruitment trends, policy and funding news, and insight from the front-line of postgraduate IAG.



 by Mark Bennett
, posted on 15 Jul '24

How Do Students Expect to Fund a Masters?

Funding is one of the most obvious challenges students (and universities) meet in postgraduate recruitment - and different audiences face it in different ways.

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 by Jack Surtees
, posted on 9 Jul '24

How much do Rankings and Reputation affect Postgraduate Audiences?

What does our unique Pulse and Share of Search data reveal about how influential reputation and rankings are for searching audiences.

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 by Jack Surtees
, posted on 11 Jun '24

What’s Happening with PGT Home?

Here is what our unique Pulse and Share of Search data reveals about PGT home audiences in 2024 so far.

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 by Mark Bennett
, posted on 14 May '24

5 Things UK Universities (and Governments) Need to Remember About the Graduate Route Review

The Graduate Route review recommends no change for now. This is the right decision.

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 by Jack Surtees
, posted on 13 May '24

Discipline Deep Dive - Computer Science PGT

We investigate the current size and shape of UK PGT Computer Science audiences based on thousands of data points drawn from actively searching audiences across our platforms.

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 by Jack Surtees
, posted on 23 Apr '24

Discipline Deep Dive - Arts & Humanities PGT

We investigate the current size and shape of UK PGT Arts & Humanities audiences based on thousands of data points drawn from actively searching audiences across our platforms.

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 by Mark Bennett
, posted on 26 Feb '24

3 Things That Are Already Different About This Cycle

Our Pulse data suggests prospective UK postgraduates are more interested in flexible study, keener on Spring starts and increasingly worried about cost, time and eligibility.

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 by Mark Bennett
, posted on 7 Dec '23

How Much Would a Cut to the Graduate Route Cut Postgraduate Recruitment?

The government has announced a review of the Graduate Route post-study work visa. We''ve examined how PG audiences might react to changes.

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 by Mark Bennett
, posted on 7 Nov '23

Will International PGT Audiences Look Elsewhere?

Our data shows a significant shift in international study intentions following UK visa changes coming into effect in October 2023.

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 by Mark Bennett
, posted on 26 Oct '23

Who wants to start a Masters in January 2024?

Our Pulse data reveals how popular January starts are for UK PGT in this cycle and lets you explore audiences.

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