5 University Wellbeing Initiatives that Have Caught Our Eye
 by Sarah Hastings-Woodhouse
Posted on 22 Feb '22

5 University Wellbeing Initiatives that Have Caught Our Eye

As we emerge from what have been two very challenging years in the world of higher education and beyond, universities across the globe have kicked off 2022 with some fantastic initiatives to promote student wellbeing. In the lead up to University Mental Health Day on 3 March, we thought we’d take a look at our top picks, in the hopes that they can provide some inspiration!

#1 Pause drop-in sessions at the University of Birmingham

University of Birmingham students can take time out of their day to engage in a little creativity this February, at library-based mental health drop-in service The Pause Hub. During a series of ‘Self-Love’ and ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ themed arts-and-crafts projects throughout the month, students can create something both for themselves and for a local family. We particularly liked this promotion inviting students to try their hand at crafting a piece of patchwork blanket!

#2 ‘Career De-stress’ at the University of Exeter

The Career Zone and Wellbeing services teamed up at the University of Exeter earlier this month to tackle the stress that is an often overlooked aspect of job-hunting. A series of employability workshops addressed the topics students said they were most worried about, from interviews and networking to disclosing a disability to potential employers.

#3 Free mental health screening for University of Nicosia students

With mental health problems sadly on the rise amongst the student population, the University of Nicosia in Cyprus is acknowledging the importance of early intervention! All students will have the opportunity to complete a free online screening that will identify risk factors for psychological problems such depression, anxiety and eating disorders. Participants will then receive confidential feedback allowing them to seek out support.

#4 Wellbeing tips from Student Minds

We’ve loved browsing wellbeing-themed infographics from Student Minds over the last couple of months, offering simple tips from harnessing the power of plants to improving your sleep. Did you know that an extra potted succulent on your desk could help reduce headaches and fatigue? It’s important to remember that even small changes to our schedule and environment can lift our mood.

#5 ‘Feast of Strangers’ and free wellbeing consultations at Australian National University

As Australia and New Zealand reopen their borders to international students, we thought we’d find out how universities Down Under are promoting wellbeing – and they didn’t disappoint! Australian National University’s student-led initiative Thrive is providing wellbeing consultations with a trained mentor two days per week, completely free of charge. During the university’s orientation week, Thrive also ran a ‘Feast of Strangers’ during which attendees were provided with a ‘menu’ of topics to discuss with other students – an excellent way to meet like-minded peers during what can be a nerve-wracking first few days at university!

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